content1 – Essay Writing Made Easy Fri, 22 Sep 2023 17:14:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1перо-с-чернилами-80-32x32.png content1 – 32 32 Best Examples of Essay Thesis Statements Tue, 01 Jun 2021 09:45:54 +0000 When we talk about a thesis statement, we talk about the sentence or two sentences in the introduction. These sentences are usually in the middle of at the end of the introduction. A thesis statement talks about a point of view that you will explain in the middle of the body. Normally thesis statements summarize what you will discuss. There is no way a lecturer in his right mind will give you excellent marks when you do not have a thesis statement. It is something that your lecturer is searching for so that he can award you the marks needed. Teachers look for this part of the essay to begin the allocation of marks. Thesis statements are part of those factors that affect your grades.

Writing a thesis statement is the part that students face a lot of trouble. And these are the questions that students ask all the time.

  1. Where do you think I can out the thesis statement?
  2. How does its structure look like?
  3. Which structure can I use for writing it?
  4. How can I write a compelling thesis statement?

Now, this is the part where you have to be calm. At least there is good news coming up.

This article will share the different tips that you can use as a student to come up with a compelling thesis statement.

But first and foremost, let’s define what z thesis statement is.

It is(are) a sentence(s) that are in the introduction. They are in either the last or in the middle of the introduction paragraph.

Now, do not mix up the introduction and thesis statement. Most students who do not know how to start an essay usually confuse the two. The thesis statement is in the introduction, and it summarizes the introduction. First, capture your reader’s attention, introduce the topic, then write down the thesis statement.

Let us understand what to write in these sections

Hook: write a statement that will capture the attention of the audience.

Topic: give your readers what they are to focus on while reading your essay.

Thesis: this is the part where you state your opinions.

In a layman’s term, it is the “essential section of the essay.”

Why do we need to write thesis statements?

A thesis statement compels your teacher to award you marks. And it also affects what kind of feedback you will get from your teacher.

It transforms the paper to be logical. It also makes the process of writing easier. Once you Figure out how to explain your ideas straightforwardly and ingeniously, the rest of your essay will depend on that idea.

Thesis statements summarize the topics and show the position where you stand. As a student, you require a thesis statement that is strong enough to make your audience read it. 

The elements

The thesis statement of an essay contains four parts:

  1. The main point of your essay, just in a sentence.
  2. Reasons for supporting this idea.
  3. A counterargument to your idea
  4. Credible pieces of information that back up your stand.

Once you have all the four elements, arrange them and join them with linking words.

How do you know your statement is compelling enough?

  • It is informative and brief.
  • Has clear arguments with your opinions on the problem
  • It has a logical basis. Ensure you support them with facts.

Your thesis statement should have a topic, claim, and main points that you use to back up the claim.

When we talk about a thesis statement, we are not talking about the subject but are interpreting the subject. And also, when selecting a claim, get one that others will argue about.

It must show the idea and must be specific.

The common that most students make is writing an essay thesis statement that is descriptive rather than writing one that is argumentative. Descriptive essays explain the topic, but they do not give the points and do not claim.

The reason why descriptive essays do not work is that it is just a repeat of the topic.


After knowing all these things, you now need to write the right thesis statement for the right kind of essay. 

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Smart Ways to Write an Essay Introduction Tue, 01 Jun 2021 09:07:09 +0000 The secret to writing a good introduction is getting the reader’s attention. If you are capable of doing that, you have nothing to worry about. If you are poor at writing and do not know the best way to do it, you are in the right place. Your introduction will determine whether the reader will continue reading your paper or give up on it and move on to the next. It is a vital part that should be considered and given much attention.

Importance of a Strong Introduction

Your introduction will tell the reader whether your paper is interesting or not. It is the part that should hook the reader to your piece. If you write it anyhow, there is no way the reader will spend even a minute reading your work. Some tips can help you write a powerful introduction. If you want to get better, read the entire article.

  1. Answering the Question

You only need fifteen seconds to take the reader’s attention. If that does not happen, then you are unlucky. If you have a boring piece, the reader will not waste time reading it. He/she will move on to the next of finding something constructive to do. The first sentence you write should be firm and meaningful.

  1. Engage the Reader

You need to get a hook for your introduction part. Even if you have to research, go ahead and do it. You can give the reader a hint about your paper, and he/she will want to know more. Avoid writing everything directly in the introduction part because the reader will not have the psyche to continue reading your work.

  1. Write about Something Personal

If you want the reader to be curious, write about something personal. If you use this tactic, there is no way it will fail. The reader will continue reading your work to acquire more information. You have to know the right way to write it. If you do not, you will make a huge mistake.

  1. Asking a Question

Let no one discourage you from using this technique. It is right many people use it, but you can use it differently. You need to go for a compelling question to capture the reader. Do not go for common questions that readers are used to. Try as much as you can to be unique. It makes a lot of sense because the reader will read on to find the answer. That is the simplest way to win the reader’s attention.

Practices for Writing an Introduction

Each person prefers writing his/her introduction differently. The technique you choose is your problem as long as it helps you. Here are things to do and others not to do:

  • You do not have to write a long introduction to make more sense and go for a short one instead. You can write a few sentences, and you are good to go. If you write a lot of things in this part, you will end up confusing yourself.
  • To eliminate the first sentence, you write to know if your introduction is more substantial without it or not.

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